Monday, August 5, 2013

Morning Light

Every morning on my way to work, I drive by the reservoir.  It had a small island in the middle of it.  The morning light is always gorgeous by this reservoir.  I am always drawn to take pictures of it.  Here are a couple.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Fare Thee Well, Sir Jeff Corwin The Fish

It was a rough and dramatic evening with Dillan fast asleep on the couch, at the ready in case of an emergency trip to the Vet, and I with fish scooper in one hand and google in the other. 

As I googled "Guppies"(thanks Wikipedia), I had to occasionally (every 5 minutes), give Jeff Corwin, The Fish, a nudge, ever so gently, to wake him up from his weird trans. He was going between flipping belly up, to spazzing out and swimming like Michael Phelps. Google and Wikipedia told me that it was most likely something referred to as "The Shimmies".

Believing I could miraculously nurse this fish back to life, I raised the temp of the water slowly all night long and added Marine salt (ok, it was really just sea salt, but it seems to me they might be the same... no?) to try and get it more BRACKISH (yeah, I had to look that up too!).

The endless gentle nudging of Sir Jeff Corwin The Fish, sadly ended this morning. Somewhere between the hours of 3:30(ish)am & 5:45(ish)am (I fell asleep on watch), he gracefully swam to the ocean in the sky (?).

He was a good fish. He was a fine swimmer, a patient pet, and most of all he was as Dillan liked to call him... "A Disco Fish".

Fare thee well Sir Jeff Corwin The Fish. Services will be held in the bathroom at 305 Indian Way, sometime later this evening.

You can make donations in Jeff Corwin, The Fish's name to the Jeff Corwin The Fish Foundation. :) (Also, if anyone has any fish recommendations we would greatly appreciate them... we are definitely trying again)