Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Total Dizzy Spell

Do I think about what to write or do I just write?  That is the question.  

I am approaching this blogging thing as sort of an experiment.  I am thinking of it as an opportunity to explore myself in a therapeutic way without having to go sit and rant to some stuffy therapist who I'm not really going to let in anyway (see, I put up walls).

At least this way I am controlling what I share and to what extent (control issues).  I see it as having 2 possible outcomes. 1) I get more comfortable doing it and start sharing more openly or 2) I get completely and utterly sick of it and give up in a couple days (ugh - quitter).  Either way, I have control, not some overpaid listener.

I am someone who is relatively self aware, but that does NOT mean I make good choices or say the right things.  More often than not, my mouth says what it wants and I feel like a prisoner inside screaming... "NO, DON'T SAY THAT!".

Sorting my life out via blog is probably a ridiculous idea and definitely a little crazy, but I really have a lot to share, and I think that it's time I do.  If someone is supposed to hear my stories, then they will find me and my blog and they will read them.  Ta Da.. the end. 

I have so many crazy life experiences that need to be shared, I need to understand how they have impacted me and made me who I am.  I really just don't know where to start.  There was the time I almost got in a fight with a stripper named Bambi in Tijuana, or the time my best friend and I almost got kicked out of the Navy for making prank phone calls, theres the 20 year battle my mom had with a cancerous brain tumor, oh and then theres the rare disease that my son was born with that prevents him from eating protein, oh and stories from Memphis, Chicago, San Diego, my road trips across the US, my arrest, single parenthood, paranoia, growing up in the 80's and 90's, family, politics, religion, death, UGH... there's just so much.  Where do I start?

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